Two Types of Deployment Scenario:

  • With DNS packets mirrored GA Ingestor can mirror AAA, NAT as well as DNS records and correlate them with the mapping data updated by Genie Internet Information Service (GIIS). The interpreted service and subscriber information are then provided to GenieAnalytics to perform cloud service analysis that tracks OTT service, CDN and user identity information.
  • Without mirroring DNS packets When DNS packets mirroring is unfeasible at customers’ premises, Genie provides a subscription-based global DNS information exchange service, GA Apex, to provide DNS data. With GA Apex, even without mirroring DNS packets, a customer can still map its traffic flows to OTT service, site names and CDN.


Unlock the Key Insights to Your Network Traffic

  • Extend GenieAnalytics’ traffic flow information. Uncover not only traffic attributes like IP addresses, protocol, port, ASN, etc., but also service and subscriber details including service site names, site providers, CDN names, and subscriber attributes.
  • Every enriched information can be used as an analytics dimension, which enables GenieAnalytics’ ad-hoc queries to filter or aggregate - by the names that are associated with the annotated flow records.


Traffic Insight at a Glance
Easily get hold of your network traffic from apparent and specific service attributes rather than cold numerical data like IP address numbers.
Explore Traffic from Every Angle
Get critical traffic insights by uncovering:

  • The services driving your network’s traffic growth
  • The services the users are accessing behind the mask of a CDN
  • How and through what networks the hot service traffic is delivered
Deep Traffic Content Intelligence
Optimize network planning, service offerings, CDN partnership, on-net caching and peering negotiation.
Performance Monitoring
Provide continuous performance monitoring to assure service quality for customers.
End-to-end Troubleshooting
Troubleshoot end-to-end, from services to subscribers, network performance degradation/outage issues.
Flexible deployment options
On-premise DNS probes or cloud-based service subscription for cost-effective and context-rich visibility.